quarta-feira, dezembro 24, 2008
Love Came Down At Christmas
O Amor desceu a nós no Natal; é isso que todos os anos lembramos, para alumiar o nosso quotidiano.
quarta-feira, dezembro 17, 2008
A margarida do CDS

Faço desde já a minha declaração de interesses: sou amigo da Margarida. Ela é uma autêntica Vera Lagoa a escrever sobre política: a espontaneidade da escrita é a expressão de uma mulher livre, sem ser necessário adjectivar mais. Aquilo que aqui escreve sobre o CDS não é só saboroso e verdadeiro, é escrito com autoridade. Que lhe vem de se ter entregue, de ter conquistado votos e de estar a cumprir apesar de a terem tratado mal depois. Agiu com dignidade e agora escreve com dignidade, apesar das palavras cruas. As pessoas do "ovo", que estão a ser abandonadas pelos oportunistas que já deram o que tinham a dar, fariam bem em reconhecer que é com "margaridas" destas que se fará um CDS robusto e implantado na realidade.
A inspiração de Madoff?
Peter Schiff faz hoje no site da Euro Pacific Capital uma comparação entre a fraude Madoff e a forma como o governo dos Estados Unidos (na realidade, qualquer governo) gere a Segurança Social e a dívida pública. E adverte que os resultados poderão ser parecidos. Um excerto:
«The Social Security Administration runs its “trust funds” with precisely the same methods used by Madoff and Ponzi [um burlão do princípio do século XX]. As money is collected by from current workers, the funds are then dispersed to those already receiving benefits. None of the funds collected are actually invested, so no investment returns are ever generated. Those currently paying into the system are expected to receive their returns based on the “contribution” made by future workers. This is the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme. The only difference is that Ponzi didn’t own a printing press.
The United States Government runs its own balance sheet based on the Ponzi principal as well. Our national debt always grows and never shrinks. As existing debt matures, proceeds are repaid by issuing new debt. Interest payments on existing debt are also made by selling new debt to investors. The whole scheme depends on an ever growing supply of new lenders, or the willingness of existing lenders, to continue to roll over maturing notes. Of course, as was the case with Madoff, if enough of our creditors want their money back, the music stops playing.
In Madoff’s case, the rug pulling was provided by the huge financial losses suffered by some of his clients in other non-Madoff investments. When enough of these clients looked to sell some of their apparently well-performing Madoff assets to help offset such losses, the scam collapsed. The same thing could befall the United States Government. Now that China and our other creditors are looking to spend some of their U.S. Treasury holdings to stimulate their own economies, look for a similar outcome with even more dire implications.»
«The Social Security Administration runs its “trust funds” with precisely the same methods used by Madoff and Ponzi [um burlão do princípio do século XX]. As money is collected by from current workers, the funds are then dispersed to those already receiving benefits. None of the funds collected are actually invested, so no investment returns are ever generated. Those currently paying into the system are expected to receive their returns based on the “contribution” made by future workers. This is the classic definition of a Ponzi scheme. The only difference is that Ponzi didn’t own a printing press.
The United States Government runs its own balance sheet based on the Ponzi principal as well. Our national debt always grows and never shrinks. As existing debt matures, proceeds are repaid by issuing new debt. Interest payments on existing debt are also made by selling new debt to investors. The whole scheme depends on an ever growing supply of new lenders, or the willingness of existing lenders, to continue to roll over maturing notes. Of course, as was the case with Madoff, if enough of our creditors want their money back, the music stops playing.
In Madoff’s case, the rug pulling was provided by the huge financial losses suffered by some of his clients in other non-Madoff investments. When enough of these clients looked to sell some of their apparently well-performing Madoff assets to help offset such losses, the scam collapsed. The same thing could befall the United States Government. Now that China and our other creditors are looking to spend some of their U.S. Treasury holdings to stimulate their own economies, look for a similar outcome with even more dire implications.»
sábado, dezembro 06, 2008
Who's mess?

Dos comentários que vários leitores fizeram ao artigo do Economist sobre a monarquia na Tailândia («A right royal mess»), destaco este, que me parece resumir o que de mais importante há a apontar à pouca seriedade da peça:
«I appreciate the fact that the Economist is showing another side of the coin. Thanks for this. However like some other readers intimately familiar with Thailand, I too find this article superficial.
There is a lot more which is not being reported here. I have to wonder if this is intentional in order to justify the conclusion which I believe addition facts would repute.
As another reader has alluded, it appears that the writer has bought hook, line and sinker at least a major part of the conclusion backed by selective bits of information that the well funded Thaksin propaganda machine is churning out.
"The King Never Smiles" (by Paul H.) is a must read for those interested in understanding the behind the scenes goings on in Thai society and politics, but also so is "The Revolutionary King" which draws the opposite conclusion. The real truth lies somewhere in between.
One thing I am sure of myself, if the choice is between the King's style of political manipulation and Thaksin's style of political manipulation .... I'll side with the King everytime.»
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